
Month: September 2020

Mr Handsome, Chapter 1, Episode 1

My eyes shone in glee as I took sight of some beautifully hung double Ds in one lingerie shop. It’s not every day that a girl comes across the perfect double D size. Either you get plain ugly ones for the breast-feeding mommies, or they never come in matching sets. On this day, heaven smiled on me.

What makes a great book cover?

A book cover is more than a picture and a title. The sole objective of a book cover is to attract readers to buy the book. That means a book cover serves to sell your book. While the cover, ‘covers’ and protects the book from damage, when designing it, the main focus should be to attract readers and generate substantial sales.

Ten additional streams of income from book writing

I was approached by a talented creative writer who wanted her book edited and I told her I was not taking any fiction manuscripts at the moment. She was disappointed but I referred her to a colleague and she was happy. A few weeks later, she came back to me again and asked, now that she is working on her book, how else can she make money out of her writing skills and the book? We had a long chat and this is some of what came out of it.