
Month: January 2021

4 ways to use other authors‘ work in your writing

When one creates their work, the work is considered intellectual property (IP) and it is their possession, hence it should not be used without their permission. It’s like taking your neighbour’s rack and personalizing it to become yours. Doing this may cause legal entanglements that are not pretty and could drag for years and lead to the payment of heavy fines amounting to thousands of dollars, hence should be avoided at all costs.

How do Editors cost their services

Finding an ideal editor is an author’s dream but agreeing on a fee may seem like a nightmare. Authors often wonder how editors come about a charge or a fee and, without the right information, they may feel somehow short changed. At accepting a manuscript for editorial, the editor considers several factors which helps them come to an editorial fee. Editorial fees are not reached about from a vacuum and they are a once-off payment despite the number of copies the author will print and they should be accounted for when pricing your book.

8 ways to establish your writing presence

I struggle to get people accustomed to writing. Often times I’m approached by clients who have great stories but prefer that I write for them instead of bringing a finished manuscript to me for editing and publishing. The excuses have always been the same, ‘I can’t write. Can I record then you transcribe? I know what I have to say but I can’t write it down.’