

How do I choose a printer for my book?

Before your reader buys your book, they will skim and scan over the copy. By doing this, they assess if they are drawn to what they are seeing – the overall outlook of your book. Just like the cover or title, the print aspect of your book has the power to wreck a good book. For your current and all your future books, you need to choose your printer with your publication in mind.

How to become a writer

Writing is a creative process that expands the concrete representations embodied in our thoughts. In book publishing, we say, “everyone has a story inside them,” but writing it depends on your idea. Every other detail in your story is there to feed and cushion the idea so that it serves its purpose to the reader. While there are many starting points in the journey of writing, you only need to figure out what works best for you.

What is the length of a book?

The length of a book is an important factor as you write. In publishing, it is referred to as the extent. Despite the genre, market, nature, or subject, a book has a certain length that it is expected to be. It is what sets it apart from all other forms of publications.

How to manage the author-publisher relationship

The author-publisher relationship is an ongoing connection created and established between the author and the publisher throughout the journey of publishing the author’s book. Its nature is mutual and should be beneficial to the interests of both parties and for the success of publishing a book. To land the book into the hands of the reader, the two cannot do so without each other. Despite the publishing route you take – independent publisher or traditional publisher, this relationship should be fruitful.