10 steps on how to effectively publish your book
10 steps guide to self-publishing
I struggle to get people accustomed to writing. Often times I’m approached by clients who have great stories but prefer that I write for them instead of bringing a finished manuscript to me for editing and publishing. The excuses have always been the same, ‘I can’t write. Can I record then you transcribe? I know what I have to say but I can’t write it down.’
Digital marketing and communication are taking over, with tonnes of content created and published every second. It ends up being overwhelming to stay on top of the game. For those starting out, the idea of getting started is also scary especially if you think you are not a writer. However, the tips that I will discuss below will help you get started and ace it.
The moment you conceive the idea that you should write a book is the time you should begin. You may not be familiar with the process but I always say that if you can put together notes and produce an entire course for your coaching business, then yes, you can put together a whole book that your students can refer to, read and gain further information about your subject area.
My brother is one star I know at matchmaking, and he always brags about all the matches he has created. A case in point is his female best friend whom he hooked up with his high school mate. Every time he talks about her, Tj does not make the mistake of forgetting to mention that he has been hooking up Tinaye with three of her past boyfriends. The good thing is that with Tinaye’s current relationship, Tj seems to have aced it because we are waiting for nothing but wedding bells.
Just like there is no point designing the most gorgeous black robe for a wedding bride who prefers the traditional white gown; there is also no point designing a colourful childlike book for a busy entrepreneur with little time to read or who has to read a number of books. Why should they stop to read your book if it does not please them?
The police are like those uninvited guests that pop at your house when mommy has prepared a special, delicious meal that sends some sweet aroma all the way from the kitchen, filling the entire house.
My eyes shone in glee as I took sight of some beautifully hung double Ds in one lingerie shop. It’s not every day that a girl comes across the perfect double D size. Either you get plain ugly ones for the breast-feeding mommies, or they never come in matching sets. On this day, heaven smiled on me.
A book cover is more than a picture and a title. The sole objective of a book cover is to attract readers to buy the book. That means a book cover serves to sell your book. While the cover, ‘covers’ and protects the book from damage, when designing it, the main focus should be to attract readers and generate substantial sales.
I was approached by a talented creative writer who wanted her book edited and I told her I was not taking any fiction manuscripts at the moment. She was disappointed but I referred her to a colleague and she was happy. A few weeks later, she came back to me again and asked, now that she is working on her book, how else can she make money out of her writing skills and the book? We had a long chat and this is some of what came out of it.